Why XBody EMS Devices are better than its Competitors?
Before you decide with an EMS brand, it is important to be aware of certain facts which will cost you money in the long term. For example the cost per session based on wear and tear or features of the device, operational software with studio management or the warranty terms.
We offer EMS devices and turn key solution finance via our contracted partner. Please note finance is subject to approval.
Why EMS Training
Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) is the elicitation of muscle contraction using electric impulses. The technology is beneficial for both fitness and rehabilitation purpose.
Accessories and Equipments
Find out more about XBody Studio, Portable and Wall Stands, watering and suit holder stand

5000 sold EMS devices since 2014
XBody sold more than 3000 Newave devices since its launch, 2014. The numbers confirm the Success, Performance, Reliability and Your best partner of choice in EMS Business.
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